Our Shared Journey of Faith and Service

The term “liturgy” translates to the “work of the people.” When we come together on Sunday mornings and other occasions for the Holy Eucharist, the priest leads the collective “work” of our entire community. It’s a shared effort where everyone plays a part, and parishioners are invited to take on specific roles of leadership.

Below are the Liturgical Ministries at St. Paul’s:


Being an acolyte holds significant tradition at St. Paul’s, with many of our adult members fondly recalling their service in this ministry. Acolytes have various responsibilities, such as lighting candles, carrying crosses, torches, and banners during processions, and assisting clergy in preparing the altar for the Holy Eucharist.
Ministry Leader: Frankey Henderson

Flower Guild

Members of the Flower Guild arrange beautiful flowers and greenery for our worship space, bringing a sense of beauty to our gatherings. Parishioners can make donations if they wish to have flowers on the altar for a particular Sunday, often in honor or memory of loved ones.
Ministry Leader: Louise Howard

Altar Guild

Directed by the Rector, the Altar Guild’s duties involve preparing for worship services, including setting the altar and caring for the adornments and vessels used during worship. Teams of members work on a rotating basis to ensure everything is ready not just for Sundays but also for baptisms, weddings, funerals, and other special services.
Ministry leaders: Renee Powell and Kathy Ellison

Eucharistic Ministers

These ministers rotate in assisting the clergy by administering the chalice during the Holy Eucharist. This role provides a meaningful opportunity to convey God’s love to our congregation.
Ministry leaders: Amy and Daryl Jones

Lectors and Intercessors

Each regular Sunday, three lectors present readings from the Old Testament, the Epistle, and the Prayers of the People. Twice a month, youth readers take on one of these roles, much to the congregation’s delight.
Ministry leader: Dean Eelman


Men and women serve as ushers by welcoming people, receiving offerings, and ensuring the smooth flow and interaction of the congregation with clergy during worship services. We have multiple teams of ushers who rotate each Sunday and during special services.
Ministry leader: Bob Heaberlin


Vergers play a crucial role in directing the flow of our services each Sunday. By managing tasks and people involved in every service, they allow clergy to focus on the spiritual aspects of our worship.
Ministry leader: Tony King


Outreach at St. Paul’s means helping our community beyond our church. We provide meals, support shelters, collect clothes, and work with local groups. Our goal is to show love in action, making a real difference in people’s lives. Through outreach, we share God’s love and care for those around us.

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